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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

The Finnish Astronaut (Suomalainen Astronautti) T- shirtFruit of The Loom Ringer t-shirt. Material is 100%`bomull. In the front is  theRead more »

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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

The Finnish Astronaut (Suomalainen Astronautti) T- shirtFruit of The Loom Ringer t-shirt. Material is 100%`bomull. In the front is  theRead more »


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Virgin Galactic builds new rockets in Arizona

Monday 7/15/24, time 11:06 PM

Virgin Galactic starts building new Delta-class rockets in Arizona. The factory is now ready. It looks like a pretty cool and modern factory. So I'm flying with a rocket which is build in Arizona.

More info -> Virgin Galactic

Image by Virgin Galactic


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Having fun with Rocket-Uno

Friday 7/5/24, time 11:16 PM

I bought a Fiat Uno in 2012, because then it looked like my space trip wasn't going to happen quickly and I needed something to do. I bought a car which I can turn it into Rocket-Uno. The car's registration number is KUU-1 (MOON-1). Along the way, I have bought two similar cars to get spare parts, which I named KUU-2 and KUU-3 cars. In the attached video, I take parts from the KUU-3 car. The video shows that much parts is already taken from the car. I'll probably have Fiat Uno spares for a hundred years.

This video had three cameraman. Filming was fun. The videos were on my computer for a few years waiting for an editor. Keiko Aarnio did the editing really nice.

Youtube video-> Rocket parts from KUU-3


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Virgin Galactic 07 flight

Monday 6/10/24, time 10:22 PM

Virgin Galactic made a successful flight into space yesterday. This flight was the last flight of the current rocket, VSS Unity. Now there will be a short break in the flights and the flights will continue with new rockets 2026 at the latest.

Video of the flight -> Youtube

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Virgin Galactic 07 June

Friday 5/3/24, time 10:23 PM

Virgin Galactic (VG) announced the date of the next flight. The flight is 8.6. and four people participate in the flight. The flight will be the last commercial flight of the current rocket, Unity. VG then focuses on developing a new type of rocket, the Delta. There are several Deltas under construction and they should start commercial flights in 2026. So I will be flying with Delta.

More info-> Virgin Galactic

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CanSat 2024 04.04.-07.04.2024 in Vaasa

Sunday 4/21/24, time 8:08 PM

CanSat 2024

CanSat was organized for the third time in Finland and this time there were a record 9 teams. There were now many new schools as well old participants. Kokkola Suomalainen Lukio participated for the third time already. In CanSat, teams have to build their own can-sized satellite. Some used the CanSat Next satellite as the basis for the satellite, and some did everything themselves. In this project, students learn coding, electronics, performing, media and working in a project. One of the students said that he would rather be here than at school.

Before this weekend, the students had easily spent hundreds of hours on the CanSat project. This weekend culminated the students' hard work. The CanSat competition was organized by ESERO Finland and Tiedekeskus Heureka.

Rocket launches

The Finnish Space Research Society, Suomen Space-X, was the launch operator this time as well. We did a total of 12 CanSat launches because three CanSats were launched twice. The first flight had some problems with the satellite, so we did a second launch. This year we mostly used class I engines. The engines were more powerful than the G-class engines we used last year. CanSat satellites now reached a height of about 900-1100 meters, while last year CanSat satellites reached 350-400 meters. So now we got the satellites higher, which resulted in a small challenge. The planned sinking speed of the satellites with the parachute was 10 m per second, so from 1000 meters the rocket could drift 100-500 meters away from the launch site, depending on the wind. The satellite with its parachute was quite small, so you had to be careful to find it. The rockets were easier to find because they were much bigger and had big parachutes.

Photos: Jan Holmgård



CanSat 2025

The next CanSat is 24-27 March 2025 in Vaasa. The Finnish Space Research Society will also supply the necessary rockets, launch equipment, expertise and personnel next year. The Finnish Space Research Society participates in CanSat activities because it is fun and it enables the development of rockets and other technology.

The winner was Deus Radiorum and it will go to the CanSat final event in Holland in June.

The teams were:

Vasa övingsskolas gymnasium:

Mad Mars Musketeers


Kokkolan Suomalainen Lukio



Maijamäen koulu, Naantali

Tiktok @gascan24


Veikkolan Koulu, 

Veikkola 6

Kastellin Lukio

Deus Radiorum


Gymnasiet Lärkan 



Tallinnan Suomalainen Koulu



Hämeenlinnan lyseon lukio



Pyhäjoen lukio



The Finnish Space Research Society's CanSat 2024 team was:

Matti Lepomäki, rocket engines and rocket launch

Timo Toivanen, security officer

Mika Jalava, field expert and rocket retrieval

Antti Niskanen, field expert and rocket retrieval

Matti Manninen, field expert and drone filming

Vesa Heilala, field expert and packing satellites into rockets

Mika Järvenpää, field expert and packing satellites into rockets



Jan Holmgård pictures

Jan Holmgård, edugalaxen, CanSat 2024 in Vasa, Finland

Suomen Avaruustutkimusseura

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Two videos of the Galactic 06 flight

Saturday 3/9/24, time 4:08 PM

This is how Lina Borozdina and Robie Vaughn think about their flight. They both waited almost 20 years for their flight, but the wait was worth it. I myself have been waiting for 14 years now and when I watch these videos, I just want get my spaceflight soon!

Youtube -> Lina Borozina

Youtube -> Robie Vaughn

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Heureka's Our Journey in Space exhibition

Thursday 2/15/24, time 11:14 PM

I was invited to the opening of Heureka's new exhibition on February 9, 2024. The exhibition was opened by the Minister of Science and Culture Sari Multala. The exhibition contains a lot of information about space, and in the exhibition you can e.g. try out how to repair the space station. An interesting and well-made exhibition.

I recommend!

More information-> Heureka

In the photo, Sari Multala opens the exhibition.


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Galactic 06 was a successful space flight

Saturday 1/27/24, time 11:59 AM

Yesterday, 26.01.2024, was the first flight of this year, Galactic 06.

All went well.

On the flight were:

Lina Borozdina, the first Ukrainian woman in space
Robie Vaughn, American
Franz Haider, Austrian
Neil Kornswiet, American

Since 2011, I have been attending various Virgin Galactic meetings. I met Lina there and she is my astronaut friend. He put a lot of pictures and videos on Facebook. Now I have a pretty clear idea of what happens before and after the flight. Lina had several friends on site, at Spaceport America, watching the flight. There were a lot of happy and smiling people in the pictures and videos. Lina waited for her flight for 19 years, I've been waiting for my flight for 14 years now. Yes, the flight will come from there!

Introducing Lina -> Virgin Galactic

Video of the flight->

All countries are shown on the flight's sleeve badge:


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Galactic 06 on Friday

Monday 1/22/24

The next flight, Galactic 06, will take place on Friday 26 January 2026.

My Virgin Galactic friend is also on this flight. He has told about his flight on his own Facebook. When Virgin Galactic announces new flights, they no longer announce the names of the astronauts, only their nationalities.

I expect to see my friend's personal photos of the preparation, the flight itself and the post-flight party on Facebook next week.

More info -> Virgin Galactic

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What happened in 2023 and what do I expect from 2024?

Monday 1/1/24

What happened in 2023:

Virgin Galactic (VG) started commercial space flights in June, the first flight was called Galactic 01. Five flights were made and all of them were successful. In 2005, when space flights went on sale, it was estimated that the flights would start in 2008. So there has been a slight delay, but now the flights are finally underway.

What do I expect from 2024:

Virgin Galactic continues its space flights. The Galactic 06 flight will take place in January 2024. There will be more flights, probably once a month. My flight number is probably 35, so in 2024 I won't be flying into space yet.

More information-> Virgin Galactic

CanSat 2024 event in spring in Vaasa. I am now going there for the third time with the Finnish Space Research Society. In Vaasa, we will shoot rockets to a height of 500 – 1000 meters, and the payload is of various measuring devices.

More information-> Esero

I'll do some more tuning for the Rocket-Uno. It is getting a new roof.

Happy New Year!


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New Delta rockets coming

Monday 12/18/23, time 8:54 PM

Virgin Galactic made 5 space flights between June and November 2023. The flights were made with the VSS Unity rocket, which was built 2016. Now there will be a short break in the flights and they are scheduled to continue in January. VSS Unity can make a flight in a month and take four passengers into space at once. Currently, Galactic 06 flight in January and Galactic 07 flight in April 2024 are planned. That means in 2024, about 30-40 people would get into space if the flights continue as in 2023. This pace is too slow. There are probably 800 ticket buyers in the queue, so at this rate it would take almost 20 years to clear the queue.

That's why Virgin Galactica has been planning a new Delta-class rocket for a few years now. These rockets are improved versions of previous rockets. Deltas can be flown once a week and they take six passengers into space at once. Construction of the Deltas has started in 2023 and they are expected to fly into space in 2025. So my rocket will be a Delta-class rocket. It's a little early to say when it's my turn to fly into space. It could be 2026 and the flight number should be Galactic 35.

Delta announcement from 2022

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Galactic 05 was a successful space flight

Thursday 11/2/23, time 10:47 PM

Today was a new flight, 05. Everything went well.

Video of the flight -> Youtube.

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Galactic 04 was a successful flight

Saturday 10/7/23, time 8:37 PM

Yesterday was flight Galactic 04. The flight was successful. Virgin has made 5 flights in 5 months. My friend Ron Rosano was on the flight. Ron has his own website:

More information on Virgin Galactic ->News

Picture from the flight. Image by Virgin Galactic.


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Huomenta Suomi (morning television in Finland)

Wednesday 9/20/23, time 9:35 PM

I was a guest of Huomenta Suomi -program today. The theme of the program was: "Vacation with a rocket? This is space tourism now and in the future.". The host of the program was Ivan Puopolo. Another guest was Annette Toivonen, who has studied space tourism, and I am going to space as a tourist. We had a really nice conversation.

Interview link-> Good morning Finland

Picture from the interview


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The Galactic 04 flight is coming in early October

Monday 9/18/23, time 10:03 PM

The next flight is coming on 05.10.2023. Now Virgin Galactic makes a flight a month. Ron Rosano is on this flight. I have met Ron a few times and he has also been to Finland. On the trip to Finland, he wanted to see my Raketti-Uno. Ron is a long-time space junkie, a bit like me. Great that Ron is among the first!

More information-> Virgin Galactic

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Galactic 03 was a successful flight

Friday 9/8/23, time 10:39 PM

Today was Galactic 03. Ken Baxter who was on the flight, is nearly a good friend. He's my Facebook friend. However, Ken has more than 4000 Facebook friends.

More information

-> Virgin Galactic


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Galactic 03 flight coming in early September

Monday 8/28/23, time 9:51 PM

The Galactic 03 launch window starts on 09.08.2023. This is Virgin Galactica's fourth space flight this year. These Virgin Galactic astronauts bought their tickets in 2005, so their wait will be over now. The ticket cost $200,000 at the time. If I wanted to, I could now go to watch the flight. I got an invitation for it from Virgin Galactic.

More info-> Virgin Galactic

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Galactic 02 was a successful space flight

Thursday 8/10/23, time 10:39 PM

Galactic 02 flew to 88 kilometers and everything went well. Now there have been several of these flights and it looks good. I expect 4-5 more flights before the end of the year.

Attached is a video of the flight and another video of the press conference. The video from the press conference was interesting! The first mother and daughter in space, the first Olympic champion in space! A year from now, there will also be the first Finn in space.

Youtube -> Galactic 02 flight

Youtube -> Galactic 02 press conference

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Galactic 02 flight on Thursday 18:00 (Finland time)

Tuesday 8/8/23, time 3:37 PM

On the Galactic 02 flight, Jon Goodwin, Keisha Schahaff and Anastatia Mayers fly into space. You can follow the flight on e.g. the Virgin Galactic  website.

More information about the flight -> Virgin Galactic

Picture Virgin Galactic


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Galactic 02 is coming in August

Sunday 7/16/23, time 7:33 AM

Virgin Galactic is now starting regular flights. The Galactic 02 launch window begins on August 10, 2023. This is Virgin Galactica's third space flight this year. My flight can be Galactic 35. There will be live tracking of the flight again. This time, it would be nice to hear what the pilots and passengers are discussing.

More info-> Virgin Galactic

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