Photo albums:
 | 100 km walk
100 km walk "Sysimusta Satku" In South of Finland 25.10.2014 walking time 22 hours.
18 picture |
 | American Car Show
Pictures from American Car Show, Helsinki, 25-28.03.2016.
30 picture |
 | Apollo gala and space week 2019
The folder contains pictures of my space week in Florida 12-18.07.2019. I visited many different places, the most important being the Apollo Gala and the Kennedy Space Center.
36 picture |
 | Before American Car Show
Pictures of The Rocket Uno tuning 2015-2016 for the American Car Show.
Thanks to Oliver Torres (mechanic), Harri Salo (space painter), Eerik Lehto (car carpenter), Kai, Tuomo, Janne, Aki, Janne, Mikrovirta and Tammer-Suoja.
50 picture |
 | Finnish Astronaut Car
Finnish Astronaut Car, Fiat Uno 1990.
72 picture |
 | London 2012
12 picture |
 | My own rockets
Pictures own my own rockets and also pictures from my friends rockets.
9 picture |
NASTAR-center is located in Philadelphia. I was there 23-24.9.2013 because of G-forces training.
10 picture |
 | Own pictures
My hobbies, friends, family etc
42 picture |
 | Radio and other happenings
All kind of different happenings I have been involved since February 2010.
224 picture |
 | Spaceport America 17.11.2011
Spaceport America 17.10.2011, New Mexico.
11 picture |
 | Support pictures
18 picture |
 | The shop
Shirts and others
3 picture |
 | Virgin Galactic
98 picture |
 | Virgin Galactic UK meeting 26.06.2015
This year's Virgin Galactic meeting was in Kidlington, UK. The place was Branson's barn.
15 picture |
 | Wife Carrying World Championship
Pictures from Wife Carrying World Championship: training and the competition. Wife Carrying World Championship was held in Sonkajärvi, Finland, July 1st, 2017.
21 picture |
Pictures from ZERO-G flight 27.09.2013. The flight took place in Los Angeles. The plane is special built Boieng 727-200. My flight number was 339.
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