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Photo albums:

100kmafterdanceteppovesaniinaerik100 km walk
100 km walk "Sysimusta Satku" In South of Finland 25.10.2014 walking time 22 hours.
18 picture
vesaamericancarshowssaAmerican Car Show
Pictures from American Car Show, Helsinki, 25-28.03.2016.
30 picture
apollogalavesaapollo11patsasApollo gala and space week 2019
The folder contains pictures of my space week in Florida 12-18.07.2019. I visited many different places, the most important being the Apollo Gala and the Kennedy Space Center.
36 picture
unonlaittokesa2015autotallitakaaBefore American Car Show
Pictures of The Rocket Uno tuning 2015-2016 for the American Car Show.

Thanks to Oliver Torres (mechanic), Harri Salo (space painter), Eerik Lehto (car carpenter), Kai, Tuomo, Janne, Aki, Janne, Mikrovirta and Tammer-Suoja.

50 picture
apu20121207vesa_heilala_02_netFinnish Astronaut Car
Finnish Astronaut Car, Fiat Uno 1990.
72 picture
vesaspacetwolondonfrontLondon 2012
12 picture
rocketinsnowMy own rockets
Pictures own my own rockets and also pictures from my friends rockets.
9 picture
NASTAR-center is located in Philadelphia. I was there 23-24.9.2013 because of G-forces training.
10 picture
The Heilala family 1967.Own pictures
My hobbies, friends, family etc
42 picture
IRC chat.Radio and other happenings
All kind of different happenings I have been involved since February 2010.
224 picture
bransonvesa02Spaceport America 17.11.2011
Spaceport America 17.10.2011, New Mexico.
11 picture
suomalaineastronauttilogoSupport pictures
18 picture
suomalainenastronauttipipoThe shop
Shirts and others
3 picture
Zero-GVirgin Galactic
98 picture
bransonpartygeneralVirgin Galactic UK meeting 26.06.2015
This year's Virgin Galactic meeting was in Kidlington, UK. The place was Branson's barn.
15 picture
vesakristiinajuoksuedestaWife Carrying World Championship
Pictures from Wife Carrying World Championship: training and the competition. Wife Carrying World Championship was held in Sonkajärvi, Finland, July 1st, 2017.
21 picture
Pictures from ZERO-G flight 27.09.2013. The flight took place in Los Angeles. The plane is special built Boieng 727-200. My flight number was 339.
12 picture