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Galactic 06 was a successful space flight

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Saturday 1/27/24, time 11:59 AM

Yesterday, 26.01.2024, was the first flight of this year, Galactic 06.

All went well.

On the flight were:

Lina Borozdina, the first Ukrainian woman in space
Robie Vaughn, American
Franz Haider, Austrian
Neil Kornswiet, American

Since 2011, I have been attending various Virgin Galactic meetings. I met Lina there and she is my astronaut friend. He put a lot of pictures and videos on Facebook. Now I have a pretty clear idea of what happens before and after the flight. Lina had several friends on site, at Spaceport America, watching the flight. There were a lot of happy and smiling people in the pictures and videos. Lina waited for her flight for 19 years, I've been waiting for my flight for 14 years now. Yes, the flight will come from there!

Introducing Lina -> Virgin Galactic

Video of the flight->

All countries are shown on the flight's sleeve badge:


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