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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »

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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »


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Galactic 03 flight coming in early September

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Monday 8/28/23, time 9:51 PM

The Galactic 03 launch window starts on 09.08.2023. This is Virgin Galactica's fourth space flight this year. These Virgin Galactic astronauts bought their tickets in 2005, so their wait will be over now. The ticket cost $200,000 at the time. If I wanted to, I could now go to watch the flight. I got an invitation for it from Virgin Galactic.

More info-> Virgin Galactic

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