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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »

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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »


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Huomenta Suomi (morning television in Finland)

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Wednesday 9/20/23, time 9:35 PM

I was a guest of Huomenta Suomi -program today. The theme of the program was: "Vacation with a rocket? This is space tourism now and in the future.". The host of the program was Ivan Puopolo. Another guest was Annette Toivonen, who has studied space tourism, and I am going to space as a tourist. We had a really nice conversation.

Interview link-> Good morning Finland

Picture from the interview


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