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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

BoxersBlack rocket boxers. In the front there a rocket logo and in the back text "RAKETTI"Read more »


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2020 Finnish Satellite Workshop in the next week

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Thursday 1/16/20, time 8:32 PM

In the next week (20-22.1.2020) there is a three-day space seminar, Finnish Satellite Workshop 2020. I will go to the seminar to learn more about satellites and other space-related issues. The seminar has dozens of speakers from different countries and has nearly 100 different presentations. There will be a problem with which presentations to choose! As last year, the seminar will be held in Dipoli, Espoo, and 250 people will attend. Jaan Praks, professor at Aalto University, is the organizer of the event, just like last year.

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