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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »

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The Finnish Astronaut Hat

Finnish Astronaut HatBlue hat, one size. Made of acrylic. Text is SUOMALAINEN ASTRONAUTTI = FINNISH ASTRONAUTRead more »


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The Finnish Astronautical Society celebrates its 60th anniversary

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Saturday 10/5/19, time 9:44 AM

Today, the Finnish Astronautical Society celebrates its 60th anniversary in restaurant Carelia at dinner. The guest of honor is Juhani Westman, who in 1959 was one the founders of the Finnish Space Research Society.

Further information: Finnish Astronautical Society

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